Register your new business name.

**How Much Does a Business Name Cost?**

When starting a new business in Australia, one of the crucial steps is registering your business name. This process ensures that your business operates under a unique and recognizable name. But how much does it cost to register a business name? The answer depends on the duration of registration.

### One-Year Registration

Registering a business name for one year costs $99. This fee includes the ASIC Government Fee and your Record of Registration, which is emailed directly to you once the registration is processed. This option is ideal for businesses that are unsure about the long-term viability of their name or need to test the market before committing to a longer registration period.

### Three-Year Registration

Registering a business name for three years costs $189. This fee also includes the ASIC Government Fee and your Record of Registration. This option is suitable for businesses that have confirmed their name and plan to operate under it for a longer period. The three-year registration provides stability and consistency for your business identity.

### Fees and Payment Options

The fees for registering a business name are straightforward. The cost for one year is $42, while the cost for three years is $98. These fees are identical for both registration and renewal. Payment options include credit card, invoice, and BPAY. You can also request an invoice and make payment at an Australia Post office.

### Why Register a Business Name?

Registering a business name is essential for any business operating in Australia. It allows you to trade under a name different from your legal name, which is particularly important for companies and partnerships. Additionally, registering a business name helps to avoid potential legal issues and ensures that your business identity is protected.

### Conclusion

In conclusion, the cost to register a business name in Australia depends on the duration of registration. Registering for one year costs $99, while registering for three years costs $189. These fees include the ASIC Government Fee and your Record of Registration. It is essential to register your business name to ensure legal compliance and protect your business identity.

**Best Practice: Register Your Business Name**

For a seamless and efficient registration process, we recommend using “”. This service provides a comprehensive guide to registering your business name, including a business name generator and payment options. Click here to register your business name today:

Register your new business name.

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