Register your new business name.

**Australia Check Business Name: A Comprehensive Guide to Registering Your Business Name**

When starting a new business in Australia, one of the crucial steps is registering your business name. This process ensures that your business operates legally and protects your brand identity. In this article, we will explore the importance of checking business name availability in Australia and provide a step-by-step guide on how to register your business name.

### Why Check Business Name Availability?

Before registering your business name, it is essential to check if the name is available. You can use the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) business name search tool to check if your proposed business name is available. This tool allows you to search for existing business names and identify any potential issues with your chosen name.

### How to Check Business Name Availability

To check business name availability in Australia, follow these steps:

1. **Visit ASIC Connect**: Go to the ASIC Connect website and select “Check business name availability” from the drop-down menu.
2. **Enter Your Proposed Business Name**: Enter your proposed business name in the search box and click “Search.”
3. **Review the Results**: The search results will indicate whether your business name is available, requires manual review, or is already taken.

### What Happens If My Business Name Is Not Available?

If your business name is not available, you can try altering your choice to make it differ from any existing names. For example, instead of “Bunch of Apples,” try “Sam’s Bunch of Apples.” You can also use the BizAI Business Name Generator to find alternative names.

### How to Register Your Business Name

Once you have checked and confirmed that your business name is available, you can proceed to register it. You can register your business name for 1 year or 3 years at a time. The registration process involves submitting your personal information, such as name, place of business, phone number, and email address, along with your proposed business name.

### Additional Tips

– **Undesirable Business Names**: Some business names may be undesirable for registration if they are offensive or suggest a connection with Australian or foreign governments and government bodies, royalty, charitable or ex-service personnel organizations, Sir Donald Bradman, Mary MacKillop, or the United Nations.
– **Restricted Words and Expressions**: Certain words and expressions are restricted and can only be used in business names with permission or authorisation. These include words that may mislead consumers about the nature of a business.
– **Registered Trademarks**: If you want exclusive rights to your business name, you should consider protecting it with a registered trademark. A registered trademark is a type of intellectual property (IP) right that protects a business’s unique brand, products or services.

### Conclusion

In conclusion, checking business name availability in Australia is a crucial step in starting a new business. By using the ASIC business name search tool and following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your business name is available and legally registered. For more information on registering your business name, visit [](

Register your new business name.

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