Register your new business name.

**How to Check If a Business Name is Taken in Australia**

When starting a new business in Australia, one of the crucial steps is registering your business name. This process ensures that your business name is unique and compliant with Australian laws. Before you begin, it is essential to check if the business name you want is already taken. Here are the steps to follow:

### Checking Business Name Availability

To check if a business name is taken, you can use the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Connect service. This service allows you to search for business name availability and receive one of three results:

– **Green**: The name is available for registration.
– **Amber**: The name is available but requires manual assessment.
– **Red**: The name is not available.

### Business Name Availability Tests

ASIC uses several tests to determine if a business name is available for registration. These tests include:

– **Undesirable Business Names**: Names that are offensive, suggest a connection with governments, royalty, charitable organizations, or ex-service personnel organizations are not allowed.
– **Restricted Words and Expressions**: Certain words like “Incorporated,” “Charity,” “Bank,” and “University” are restricted and require permission or authorization.
– **Other Laws Affecting Business Names**: Laws such as the **Business Names Registration Act 2011** outline the rules for registration of a business name.

### How to Check Business Name Availability

To check business name availability, follow these steps:

1. **Visit ASIC Connect**: Go to the ASIC Connect website and select “Check business name availability.”
2. **Enter Your Proposed Name**: Enter the business name you want to check.
3. **Get Your Results**: You will receive one of the three results mentioned above.

### What If the Name is Taken?

If the name you want is taken, you can try to alter it slightly to make it unique. For example, instead of “Bunch of Apples,” try “Sam’s Bunch of Apples.” You can also check if the website domain and social media handles are available.

### Reserving a Business Name

If you want to reserve a business name but are not ready to register it immediately, you can do so through ASIC. This will reserve the name for two months. If you need to prolong the reservation, you must apply again.

### Conclusion

Checking if a business name is taken is a crucial step in starting a new business in Australia. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your business name is unique and compliant with Australian laws. For more information on registering a new business name, visit ****.

**Register Your New Business Name Today**

Visit **** to register your new business name and ensure it is unique and compliant with Australian laws.

Register your new business name.

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