Register your new business name.

**Checking ASIC Name Availability: A Comprehensive Guide**

When starting a new business in Australia, one of the crucial steps is registering your business name. This process ensures that your business operates under a unique and distinct name that is not already held by another entity. In this article, we will explore the importance of checking ASIC name availability and provide a step-by-step guide on how to do so.

**Why Check ASIC Name Availability?**

Before registering your business name, it is essential to check if the name is available for registration. ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) maintains a register of all business names in Australia, and you cannot register a name that is identical or too similar to one that already exists. This is crucial to avoid any potential legal issues or conflicts with existing businesses.

**How to Check ASIC Name Availability**

To check ASIC name availability, you can use the ASIC Connect website. Here, you can select the “Check business name availability” option and enter your proposed business name. You will receive one of three results:

1. **Green**: The name is available for registration.
2. **Amber**: The name requires manual review and assessment.
3. **Red**: The name is not available for registration.

**What If the Name Is Not Available?**

If the name you want is not available, you can try altering your choice so that it differs from any existing names. For example, instead of “Bunch of Apples,” try “Sam’s Bunch of Apples.” This ensures that your business name is unique and distinct.

**Other Laws Affecting Business Names**

In addition to ASIC name availability, there are other laws that may affect your business name. The **Business Names Registration Act 2011** outlines the rules for registration of a business name. Other laws may also prohibit the use of certain words and expressions, such as industry or professional titles.

**Protecting Your Business Name**

To protect your business name and ensure exclusive rights, you should consider registering your name as a trademark. This will help you prevent others from using your name and protect your brand identity.


In conclusion, checking ASIC name availability is a critical step in registering your business name in Australia. By using the ASIC Connect website and following the guidelines outlined above, you can ensure that your business name is unique and distinct. For more information and to register your business name, visit [](

**Best Practice: Register Your Business Name in Australia**

For a seamless and efficient business name registration experience, visit []( This website provides a comprehensive guide to registering your business name, including information on name availability, costs, and the registration process. Additionally, you can use their BizAI Business Name Generator to ensure you choose the right business name for your business. Register your business name today and start building your brand identity.

Register your new business name.

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