Register your new business name.

**Australian Business Name Availability: A Comprehensive Guide**

When starting a new business in Australia, one of the crucial steps is to ensure that your business name is available for registration. This process is vital to avoid potential legal issues and to ensure that your business operates under a unique and compliant name. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of checking business name availability in Australia.

### Why Check Business Name Availability?

Before you decide on your official business name, it is essential to check if the name is taken. Your business name must be registered with the Australian Government to inform them of who you are and how to find you. Therefore, your business name must be unique to avoid confusion. Although your business will also have an ABN attached to it, your business name is still your business’s main entity identifier.

### How to Check Business Name Availability

You can check if a business name is taken through either ASIC Connect or the Australian Government Business Registration Service. The process is relatively straightforward. Simply enter the business name you hope to use and the results will show you whether or not the business name you’ve entered is available. If it is available, you’ll be able to register that business name right then and there.

### Business Name Availability Results

When you apply to register your business name or use the ‘Check business name availability’ search, you’ll get one of three results:

– **Green**: This business name is available.
– **Amber**: You can register this business name but it will need to be assessed after you apply.
– **Red**: This business name is not available.

### What to Do if Your Business Name is Taken

If you find that the business name you’d hoped to use is taken, you’ll need to make some adjustments to your chosen business name to ensure you use a business name that’s unique and not already in use. Conveniently, both the ASIC Connect and Business Registration Service search engine will show you multiple results of other existing business names that are similar to yours. So, you won’t have to search over and over again just to continue to get a “taken” result.

### Tips for Choosing a Unique Business Name

A few ideas to help you come up with a unique business name include adding your name to your business name so that instead of “Wholefood Suppliers” you might use “Tom’s Wholefood Suppliers”. You can also add “Co.” or “& Company” to your business name to create a unique business name without changing your original idea too much.

### Trademark Business Name Checks

Registering your business name is different from registering for a trademark. So, in addition to checking the availability of your business name within the Australian Business Register, you’ll also want to make sure to do a Trademark Registration Check through IP Australia. A trademark search allows you to see logos for business names that are similar to yours to ensure that you’re not unwittingly planning to infringe on someone else’s trademark name or design.

### Reserving a Business Name

In some cases, you can also reserve a business name if you have an idea for the name of your company but you’re not ready to register it yet. If the ASIC approves your application, they will reserve your name for two months. If you want to prolong this period, you must apply to reserve the name again. However, try not to wait too long, as it may hinder others from lawfully using the name.

### Conclusion

In conclusion, checking business name availability is a crucial step in starting a new business in Australia. By following the steps outlined above and using the available tools and resources, you can ensure that your business name is unique and compliant. It is best to register a new business name in Australia by using “” and following the guidelines provided on their website. You can visit their website at []( to learn more about the process and to register your business name today.

Register your new business name.

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