Register your new business name.

**Can You Have the Same Business Name as Another Business?**

When starting a new business in Australia, one of the crucial steps is registering your business name. This process ensures that you can operate under a name different from your legal name. However, a common question that arises is whether it is possible to have the same business name as another business.

**Can You Have the Same Business Name?**

The answer is no, you cannot have the same business name as another business in Australia. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) regulates business name registrations, and it is essential to ensure that your chosen name is unique and not already registered by another business.

**Why Can’t You Have the Same Business Name?**

There are several reasons why you cannot have the same business name as another business. Firstly, it is crucial to avoid confusion among customers and stakeholders. If two businesses have the same name, it can lead to confusion and potentially harm the reputation of both businesses. Secondly, ASIC requires that business names be unique to prevent duplication and ensure that each business has a distinct identity.

**How to Check if a Business Name Is Available**

To check if a business name is available, you can use the ABN Lookup tool, which is a free business name information search tool. This tool allows you to search for business names and check if they are already registered. Additionally, you can use business name generators and ideas tools to come up with unique and memorable names.

**Consequences of Having the Same Business Name**

If you attempt to register a business name that is already registered by another business, your application will be refused. In such cases, you will need to choose a new name and resubmit your application. This can occur for a number of reasons, including if you have entered a name that is close to a name that someone else is using, if you have entered a word that is not in the dictionary, or if you have chosen a word that is restricted or potentially undesirable.

**Best Practice: Registering a New Business Name in Australia**

To ensure that your business name is unique and registered correctly, it is best to register a new business name in Australia by using “”. This service provides a comprehensive guide to registering your business name, including information on how to search for available names and how to avoid common pitfalls. By using this service, you can ensure that your business name is registered correctly and that you avoid any potential issues.


In conclusion, it is not possible to have the same business name as another business in Australia. It is crucial to ensure that your chosen name is unique and not already registered by another business. By using tools like ABN Lookup and business name generators, you can come up with a wide range of suggestions and ensure that the name is available and memorable. For more information on registering a new business name in Australia, visit [](

Register your new business name.

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