Register your new business name.

**Company ASIC Search: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Information**

When starting a new business in Australia, one of the crucial steps is registering your business name. This process ensures that your business operates legally and can be easily identified by customers and regulatory bodies. However, before you register your business name, it is essential to search the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) registers to ensure that your chosen name is not already taken by another entity.

**Why Search ASIC Registers?**

ASIC is responsible for regulating and overseeing various financial and investment activities in Australia. The commission maintains several registers that contain information about companies, business names, and other financial professionals. Searching these registers can provide valuable insights into the status and history of a company, which is crucial for making informed business decisions.

**Types of Information Available**

The ASIC registers contain a wide range of information, including:

– **Company Information**: You can search for company information by name or Australian Company Number (ACN). This includes details such as company name, ACN, registration date, and next review date.
– **Business Names**: The ASIC register also contains information about business names, including the name, ABN, and registration date.
– **Financial Advisers**: If you are dealing with a financial adviser, you can check if they are licensed and registered with ASIC.
– **SMSF Auditors**: Similarly, you can verify the credentials of SMSF auditors and other financial professionals.

**How to Search ASIC Registers**

You can access the ASIC registers through the ASIC Connect portal. This online service allows you to search for companies, business names, SMSF auditors, and other financial professionals. You can also purchase extracts of historical information about companies and business names, which can be useful for conducting thorough due diligence.

**Benefits of Searching ASIC Registers**

Searching ASIC registers can provide several benefits, including:

– **Verification of Company Status**: Ensure that a company is registered and in good standing before doing business with them.
– **Avoiding Conflicts**: Check if a business name is already taken to avoid potential conflicts and legal issues.
– **Compliance**: Verify the credentials of financial professionals to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

**Register Your Business Name Today**

Before you start your business, make sure to register your business name. You can do this easily through “” at a cost of $99 for one year or $189 for three years. This will ensure that your business operates legally and can be easily identified by customers and regulatory bodies.

For more information and to register your business name, visit:

By following these steps and using the ASIC registers, you can ensure that your business operates legally and efficiently, giving you a strong foundation for success in the Australian market.

Register your new business name.

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