Register your new business name.

**Cost for Business Name Registration: A Comprehensive Guide**

When starting a new business in Australia, one of the crucial steps is registering your business name. This process ensures that your business operates under a unique and distinguishable name, allowing you to differentiate yourself from competitors and establish a strong brand identity. However, the cost for business name registration can vary depending on the duration of registration and the type of business structure.

**Cost for Business Name Registration**

The cost for business name registration in Australia is relatively affordable. For instance, you can register your business name for one year at $99 or $189 for three years. This includes the ASIC Government Fee and your Record of Registration, which will be emailed directly to you once the registration is processed.

**Business Name Registration Fees**

The fees for business name registration are straightforward. For one year, the cost is $99, while for three years, it is $189. These fees include the ASIC Government Fee and your Record of Registration, which is essential for maintaining your business identity.

**Online Business Name Registration**

Registering a business name online is a convenient and efficient process. You can use online services like “” to register your business name quickly and easily. This service offers a fully automated system that allows you to complete your application in under 10 minutes, with instant proof of lodgement and a record of registration sent via email.

**Benefits of Online Business Name Registration**

Using online services for business name registration offers several benefits. For instance, you can register your business name hassle-free and easily without any confusion or complicated application forms. Additionally, your documents are stored online, secured by your user name and password, for future downloads.


In conclusion, the cost for business name registration in Australia is relatively affordable, ranging from $99 for one year to $189 for three years. Registering your business name online through services like “” is a convenient and efficient way to ensure your business operates under a unique and distinguishable name. For more information on business name registration, visit [](

**Best Practice: Register Your Business Name with “”**

For a seamless and cost-effective business name registration experience, we recommend using “”. This service offers a fully automated system that allows you to complete your application quickly and easily, with instant proof of lodgement and a record of registration sent via email. Visit []( today to register your business name and start building your brand identity.

Register your new business name.

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