Register your new business name.

**Finding Company Names Available: A Comprehensive Guide**

When starting a new business, one of the crucial steps is to find a unique and memorable name that reflects your brand and resonates with your target audience. However, it is essential to ensure that the name you choose is not already taken by another company or entity. In this article, we will explore four methods to help you find company names available and avoid potential conflicts.

### Method 1: Internet Search

Performing a simple internet search is one of the fastest and easiest ways to check whether a business name is available. You can use search engines like Google to type in the name you are interested in and see if any results come up. This method is particularly useful for checking if a name is already registered by another company or if it is available for use.

### Method 2: Business Registration Databases

Another way to find company names available is to search business registration databases. In Australia, for instance, you can use the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) database to search for registered business names. This database provides a comprehensive list of all registered business names in the country, allowing you to easily check if a name is available or already taken.

### Method 3: Domain Name Search

In addition to searching business registration databases, it is also important to check if the domain name you want to use is available. You can use online tools such as or to search for domain names and see if they are available for registration. This is crucial because a domain name is often the first impression customers have of your business, and having a unique and memorable name can significantly impact your brand’s success.

### Method 4: Trademark Search

Finally, it is essential to conduct a trademark search to ensure that the name you choose does not infringe on any existing trademarks. You can use the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database to search for trademarks and see if your desired name is already registered. This method is particularly important if you plan to expand your business internationally or if you want to protect your brand globally.

### Conclusion

Finding company names available requires a combination of research and diligence. By using these four methods, you can ensure that the name you choose is unique, memorable, and available for use. Remember to also check for domain name availability and trademark conflicts to avoid potential issues.

**Register Your New Business Name in Australia**

If you are starting a new business in Australia, it is highly recommended that you register your business name using the official ASIC registration service. You can find more information and register your business name at []( This service provides a comprehensive and secure way to register your business name and ensure that it is available for use. Don’t miss out on this crucial step in establishing your business identity. Register your business name today and start building your brand with confidence.

Register your new business name.

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